

Intuition. What if you could look at food, think about it, and instantly know if it were good for you? I suspect it would eliminate all the confusion



Fear. Fear is fraudulent. It’s what we feel when we’re disconnected from all that is right in our lives. Sure, there is a healthy place and time for



Love. Love is the solution; you are beautiful and perfect, inside and out. However, there may be certain ‘demons’ haunting you right now that prevent you from acting

Education Revisited

Education Revisited

Education Revisited: Brain, Body, Planet, Co-Existence I suggest we take a fresh look at our education system. Instead of teaching: Math Science History Literature Why aren’t we focused

5 Exercises For Anti-Aging

5 Exercises For Anti-Aging

How To Recover From Any Surgery — My Exact Rehab Program Intestinal Perforation Rehab Program — Acute to Discharge, Then Back-To-Life Before I begin, I would like to

Violence Is Weird

Violence Is Weird

Imagine for a moment that you’re on a foreign planet — looking down towards Earth through a powerful telescope that shows you region by region — and you