Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, it’s hard to get out of rut. Well, consider this: maybe that’s the point; perhaps you shouldn’t be trying at all?
I know this may sound a bit counter-intuitive, but think about it… if you’re giving something your best effort and it’s not working, maybe it’s because you’re putting your effort into the wrong thing.

Make a list of all the things that come easy for you in life, and then create a second column next to them. In your second column, add a check if it’s something that’s easy for you but might be hard for other people.
Once you’ve identified one to three areas of your life that are ‘effortless’ for you and ‘effortful’ for others, concentrate on those. That’s your path to success, and the way out of your rut.

Life isn’t meant to be difficult. You possess unique talents and abilities that make you wonderful, capable, and successful. All you have to do is identify them, focus, and share.
I think you’ll be surprised by what comes back to you, and how quickly it shows up.
I’m so grateful for you,
About Author
Dr. Kareem Samhouri
Dr. Kareem Samhour is known as (perhaps) the best Doctor of Physical Therapy & Kinesiologist on the internet. People come to him for results when other methods fail, injury gets in the way, or health situation is more complicated. Dr. Kareem Samhouri exercising In fact, he and his companies reach a combined total of 1.5 MILLION people on a daily basis to help them with their health. If you ever saw Dr. Kareem on the street and mentioned something was going on with your health, however, he would volunteer and offer to help you for free... that's the Dr. Kareem way.