Today, I’m writing you from Egypt.
As I sit at the airport en route to Luxor (for a cruise on the Nile River), I’m off struck by my experience from yesterday at the Pyramids. There is so much ancient wisdom in human history, if we open our minds and hearts to the wisdom of past cultures.
- Ancient Egyptians were able to perform brain surgery with precision on children, removing masses from their brains?
- Do you realize that a new and developing field in medicine is called ‘chronobiology’ – which means the timing you eat, exercise, think, move, work, etc. all has an impact on your health – existed over 5,000 years ago in Ancient Egypt, as they coordinated surgeries, ceremonies, and daily activities based upon time of day, lunar cycle, position of the sun and moon, and so on?
- Ancient Egyptians had many insights towards our purpose here on Earth, our relationship to something greater (i.e. stars, galaxies, etc.), and the possibility of reincarnation that is visited amongst many popular religions of today?
- Ancient Egyptians invented math, writing, and many other aspects of our culture we take for granted today?
- We are still unsuccessful in the mummification process? I believe our best attempt has made it less than 50-100 years; in contrast, mummies’ bodies are still perfectly preserved in the Ancient Egyptian museum today.
- The Pyramids of Giza remain a mystery to the world? To date, we are unable to construct a pyramid that lasts a century, let alone 5,000+ years. And there are many specifics, like in the King’s chamber of the biggest pyramid, everything responds differently.
- Examples include: meat does not spoil, milk turns to yogurt, if someone dies they do not rot, etc.
- Replications have been made, and only when the dimensions are identical ratio-wise – and the front-door of the model pyramid faces directly north – are we able to replicate this phenomenon. Yet, we still cannot mathematically explain it.
- The lightest rock of a pyramid weighs about A TON, and it’s situated hundreds of feet in the air? How the heck did they get those rocks up there without any machines? What did they understand that we do not, and how were they able to use their bodies in a way we still are unable today? Please keep in mind, you could only fit so many people around a rock for the pyramid, so there weren’t enough hands to lift what today’s standards would consider possible per person.
This is a culture who’s secrets were lost in time. This is a culture who understood something about life we still do not. Today, we are replicating many of the things Ancient Egyptians did, but with the use of technology.
So, it begs the questions:
- Is technology necessary to do what we seek?
- Can technology be complementary?
- How can technology blindfold us? In other words, how do we limit ourselves as a result of technology? (rather than looking to nature for answers)
- What is it that we do ‘not’ understand that Ancient Egyptians did?
And if they were so tapped in without any technology, are we able to harness whatever power and connection they once did to understand their secrets and progress as a society? And furthermore, what do we know today that they did not, and how can we combine our knowledge for the greater good?

If all information is already available for us without the use of technology, ‘how’ will you seek it out? Will you simply ask questions and listen/feel/watch for answers? Will you travel to learn history, so you can correlate data and make educated guesses? Will you define a process to access information from our past to understand and predict our future?
Personally, I believe this topic deserves much more attention. Without the use of technology, Ancient Egyptians knew many things. They were not a ‘different’ human species; they were the same species. The capabilities they had, we have.
As a society, I reckon we emphasize our natural abilities a bit more. I recommend we revisit human potential and how we can learn to use our bodies and minds in a more complete way.
Sent to you with love, honor, and in service,
About Author
Dr. Kareem Samhouri
Dr. Kareem Samhour is known as (perhaps) the best Doctor of Physical Therapy & Kinesiologist on the internet. People come to him for results when other methods fail, injury gets in the way, or health situation is more complicated. Dr. Kareem Samhouri exercising In fact, he and his companies reach a combined total of 1.5 MILLION people on a daily basis to help them with their health. If you ever saw Dr. Kareem on the street and mentioned something was going on with your health, however, he would volunteer and offer to help you for free... that's the Dr. Kareem way.