Control is an interesting illusion, isn’t it?
Sure, there are certain aspects of your life you can completely control, like who’s cooking dinner tonight, whether or not you get to hold the remote control, and what time you go to bed. On the other hand, most of our lives are completely outside of our control; yet, many of us still attempt to exhibit control when it doesn’t work.

You see, ‘control’ isn’t reality. In fact, tiny instances in life where you are able to demonstrate control are more misleading than anything. Don’t fall for it and build your addiction to control. The end-product of doing so is lower self, and often leads to feelings of loneliness, sadness, and depression.
Instead, choose to embrace ‘who’ you are, show curiosity and gratitude as you learn, and appreciation for all experiences in your life, for they are your lessons. Each time you catch yourself trying to control something or someone in your life, reflect back on your ‘why’, and identify the feeling of lower self that led to this desire. Remember you are beautiful, your soul shines through you, and the less you attempt to control the more you’ll enjoy your life.
I’m so grateful for you,
About Author
Dr. Kareem Samhouri
Dr. Kareem Samhour is known as (perhaps) the best Doctor of Physical Therapy & Kinesiologist on the internet. People come to him for results when other methods fail, injury gets in the way, or health situation is more complicated. Dr. Kareem Samhouri exercising In fact, he and his companies reach a combined total of 1.5 MILLION people on a daily basis to help them with their health. If you ever saw Dr. Kareem on the street and mentioned something was going on with your health, however, he would volunteer and offer to help you for free... that's the Dr. Kareem way.