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If we make time go fast enough, we’ll end up dead.

Have you ever stopped to think about why you’re in such a hurry? Why is the finish line so much more interesting than the race itself? Isn’t there validity in loving the ‘process’, rather than only the ‘end goal’?

I now believe ‘process’ is amazing, but I wasn’t always in agreement.

You see, society made me think otherwise. If I could finish a test faster — and better — than anyone growing up, I won. If I was able to get my work done more quickly and get home to my family, I was being a better father and husband. If I ate my meals more quickly, this gave me more time to focus on “what was important” for the day. If I became successful faster than my peers, I had a better chance of a “happy” life.

Then, I woke up dying. My soul — or the part of me that is far bigger than me — slapped me upside down, made it abundantly clear I was no longer on my directed life path, and laid me out for months. During that time period, I attempted to speed up recovery and get out of bed sooner, for longer, no matter what feat of effort it required.

Fast forward, I continued on my path of impatience, as I began to learn the medical skills that were needed to help me recover, but for others. This “magic”, as I like to call it, was something I wanted to know everything about, right now.

Only recently did I stop and take a deep breath, reconsider ‘process’ over ‘outcome’ and make adjustments to my thinking and being. Only recently did I begin to understand the discovery process is at least as fun as the end-goal. Only recently have I acknowledged that growing and learning is tremendous fun, and burning curiosity creates passion for life. Only recently have I come to the conclusion that I’ve been racing to death, rather than enjoying the moment.

I wish to share with you one of my greatest life lessons, one I learned as a small child and managed to forget: love this moment, and when the next one arrives, love ‘it’ also.

Today’s thought exercise:
Why are you hurrying? And would it ultimately change the outcome if you kicked back a little, enjoyed the process, and watched yourself reach your goals, one moment at a time?

Sent to you with love, compassion, and gratitude,


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Dr. Kareem Samhouri

Dr. Kareem Samhour is known as (perhaps) the best Doctor of Physical Therapy & Kinesiologist on the internet. People come to him for results when other methods fail, injury gets in the way, or health situation is more complicated. Dr. Kareem Samhouri exercising In fact, he and his companies reach a combined total of 1.5 MILLION people on a daily basis to help them with their health. If you ever saw Dr. Kareem on the street and mentioned something was going on with your health, however, he would volunteer and offer to help you for free... that's the Dr. Kareem way.

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