Educate yourself on topics you find relevant and important. Consider what really matters:
To your
To the existence
of others
To future
Please don’t fall victim to complacency; while tempting, it’s the fastest and most efficient way to grow old and die. Let curiosity guide investigation of under-explored topics, and let love be the medium through which you share your discoveries with the world.
Do you remember being a child and wondering about your future, about the world around you, and about ‘how’ to best learn? If you’re anything like me, this curiosity died when you were forced to learn about specific topics — in a certain way — by the school system. Over time, you lost your enthusiasm, your burning desire to grow, and your curiosity for all things worldly.
Time to be re-born.
No longer exist the limitations of the school system in your life. You get to learn about anything you want, any ‘time you want, and however you want. There is no right answer, speed, or level of retention. Allow your brain and body to curiously discover the world around you, and use self-reflection to find out what comes next.

A belief system is a powerful thing. Last night, I participated in a webinar on relationships and intimacy. You might not realize it, but the stories you tell yourself about a person in your life might be the main reason you’re no longer intimate or seeking more from your relationship. Perhaps you might catch yourself in a conversation about how your husband / wife / son / daughter / friend “always” or “never” does something. Well, this is a story, based upon past experience, and your interpretation of a set of events. None of it is true or untrue, as it pertains to this moment in time. The only ‘real’ thing is the present moment; the rest is a story you’ve told yourself, and it’s subconsciously programming you to distance yourself from love, admiration, and intimacy. If you’d like to reprogram a belief system you have, all you have to do is:
– Identify the belief. (example: My wife doesn’t respect me.)

Let’s take a deeper look. Let’s really dig in and figure out what’s important. Let’s learn about ourselves, how we learn, and what comes next. Let’s discover the hidden links to universal energy that have always piqued our curiosities, such as feeling for one another, connectedness, and assured mutual survival.
Let’s figure out how different countries and cultures can work well together, empowering detail and process-oriented cultures — like Germans — to work with disruptive innovators — like Americans — who quickly lose focus and move onto the next big idea. Let’s share what’s working with health, food, exercise, stress management, and ancient vs modern medicine. I suspect you already realize there’s value in Eastern medicine, and I believe it’s a valid argument to say science plays an important role in human potential through Western medicine.
Ancient wisdom — passed on from one generation of Gypsies to the next — is valid and important. Modern science — tested, tweaked, and optimized through scientific process — is a great way to document what we’re learning and progress as a species.
Evolutionary biologists and ecologists have studied this planet and how we are both similar to — and different from — other Earth species. Marine scientists understand the role we play in maintaining ocean health and marine ecosystems, which are perhaps as vital to life as oxygen.
So, how do we organize this process? It’s simple: mutual curiosity, centered upon love, and nothing else.
When we choose to love one another, see past human differences, and look from “God’s eyes down”, we will interact differently. Today is that day for you, if you let it be.
Love is like air: abundant, present, and there’s nothing you can do about it. You can make the air hard to breathe if you create enough smoke, but it’s still there, and as soon as the smoke clears, you’ll be able to take a deep breath again.
Find the beauty in yourself, realize you’re connected to every plant, animal, and species on Earth, and embrace it. You and I, we are not so different; I’ll argue we are part of the same family, as children of Mother Earth.
Let “tribe” come first, but on a higher level than most people consider. Today is a new day, and with a new day comes peace, love, enthusiasm, and motivation.
Charge on, family. I’m sending you the biggest hug I can.
I’m so grateful for you,
About Author
Dr. Kareem Samhouri
Dr. Kareem Samhour is known as (perhaps) the best Doctor of Physical Therapy & Kinesiologist on the internet. People come to him for results when other methods fail, injury gets in the way, or health situation is more complicated. Dr. Kareem Samhouri exercising In fact, he and his companies reach a combined total of 1.5 MILLION people on a daily basis to help them with their health. If you ever saw Dr. Kareem on the street and mentioned something was going on with your health, however, he would volunteer and offer to help you for free... that's the Dr. Kareem way.